Streamline Shipping has said they will be opening the North Store at Holmsgarth on each of Saturday and Sunday this weekend to allow customers in the north and west areas to pick up parcels they may be waiting for.

Streamline Managing Director Gareth Crichton said, “ we have been playing catch up to an extent on deliveries to the west and north areas over the past week with the combination of very high volumes and time lost due to weather putting us behind schedule. To be fair that is true of all areas in Shetland but we know the north and west areas are behind where we would want them to be. Our staff have been working long days and every weekend for some time but once a route falls behind it is very difficult to catch up until the volumes drop off again. We lost two days to weather last week and that has compounded things”

Crichton said “ As such, this weekend we will be offering all customers in the north and west areas only, who may be waiting for parcels, the chance to come into town on Saturday or Sunday to collect. All parcels for the North and West areas that are in Shetland as of today, will be available. I should emphasise that deliveries will continue as usual for all other areas throughout the weekend, and the north and west will resume as normal on Monday. So if folk are happy to wait, then that’s fine. But for those in the north or west if there is anything urgent or parcels that folk feel should have been delivered earlier this week but haven’t been, then there is a chance to pick those up.”

The North Store at Holmsgarth will be open from 10-3 on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December - with access and parking off the entrance to the new Holmsgarth pier.

For further information contact Streamline on 01595 693911.

The full list of areas available to collect are:

Frackafield, Tingwall, Gott, Girlsta, Nesting, Vidlin, Voe and Gonfirth
Brae, Busta, North Roe, Muckle Roe, Ollaberry, Hillswick, North Mavine, Eshaness, Sullom, Graven, Sella Ness, Mossbank, Toft
Nesbister, Whiteness, Weisdale, Stromfirth, Tresta, Bixter, Twatt, Clousta, Aith, East Burrafirth
Effirth, Grutting, Sand, Trewick, Skeld, Walls area, Sandness & West Burrafirth

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